About Me

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Seriously, people.

Fact: I'm 20.
Fact: People keep asking me why I am not yet married.
Question: Why are people gettin all up in my business?
Question: Is it that surprising that a 20-year-old girl is still single?
Fact: I obviously haven't found the right one and Theory: it will possibly be a while before I do.
Unless I am 30 (with cats) and not married, I don't think you need to worry. Thanks, though. ;)


Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Life During Finals

This week is bittersweet (finals=bitter, last week of school=sweet).

Thus far, I got a B (lame) on my final for my Education class. I'm mad about that, but whatev. I scored over 100% (I'm not sure how that happens) on my Psychology exam. It was an easy test, but it's still good news!

This morning I took my Math final. If I don't ace that exam I will be one angry woman. After the 10 painstaking hours of studiousness, I expect nothing less than a stellar grade. Last night-- this morning-- whatever... my head didn't touch the pillow until 4:51 A.M. Yep. I studied till almost 5 in the morning. Obviously I didn't realize the amount of time I would need to devote to studying for that exam. Good thing my class wasn't until 11.

I have only one more test left!!! My online class (honestly, I can't remember the name of the class... sad). It has something to do with the constitution and history and Nevada laws... something like that. A little advice for anyone reading this-- NEVER take an online class unless you have no choice. I HATE IT. I missed a few assignments because I always forget to log onto the website and check it. Also, online lectures are 900 times more boring than attending a live lecture. Just my $.02.

Moral of the story is that I should be studying for my online final right now. Instead, I am doing more important things like discovering I'm most like Bella from "Twilight" and that 7 out of every 10 men fall in love with me (impressive, I know!). It amazes me how much I learn about myself by taking online quizzes. Well, I assume I have procrastinated enough for one night. Time to hit the books. Wish me luck!